Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Working Mom and Homeschooling

Work?! Well, yes I am working again. It's hard but I will admit that I love my co-workers and I love being out of the house. I also like contributing again, (in a monetary fashion). I do NOT however like being tired, or being away from my kids. But you do what you have to do. And that means that I have to work. The company I work for is very well known and always super busy. I like that part too, time flys at work and makes it easier for me to be away from my kiddos.

One day, hopefully soon. I will be able to actually be home with the kids and not have to go back to work. That's my goal. So, this year, I am going to be frugal, and I mean SUPER frugal. (it's one of my goals, not resolutions for the new year.) I am trying out a new menu planning system, a new/old cleaning system, and a new shopping system. Here's to hoping and praying 2012 is my last year as a working mom. Lord knows that Homeschooling is getting way more involved and I need to focus my time on that, not making people their morning lattes.

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